Debbie Bishop

I've conquered for Cancer Council

I’m walking for a cancer free future

I’m taking on 7 Bridges Walk on Sunday 20 October 2024 and will be uniting with the community to walk 28km around Sydney Harbour. 

The stats around cancer is staggering - Every year in NSW alone, more than 53,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed. The impact on every diagnosed person, their families, carers and communities is significant. 

Every step I take, every dollar we raise, brings us closer to a future where no one has to face cancer alone. Cancer Council NSW is dedicated to making this vision a reality, and I'm proud to be part of their mission. Will you join me in this fight? Your contribution, big or small, means the world to me and those who will benefit from our collective effort.

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

24 kids with a SunSmart education


16 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


5 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

Thank you to my Sponsors


David Madden


Stu Knibbs

Go Deb!


Don Stevenson


Shane Reardon


Aleksandar Talevski


Vinay Krishnan

Proud of your effort!!!


Debbie Bishop


David Webb

Hey Deb...just remember,it's not a physical but a mental effort required to get to the finish line. Take it one step at a time. You got it !!!


Pro Identity Pty Ltd


Alan Barnwell

Go for it Deb. Good on you for taking on the challenge.


Anu John