A new milestone! $10,000 raised for Cancer Research

When mum was diagnosed and started going through treatment there was a round of Chemo that really did a number on her hair and I decided to shave my head in support as I knew she was worried about Christmas and the response to fundraising was huge.
It also marks a significant achievement which is between the head shave and three years of walks we've now hit $10,000 raised for cancer research which is something that wouldn't have ever possible when I first shaved my head or set off on that first walk.
March on to 2025 and $20K!!
Kazzy's Lambs walking for a brighter future
Into the third year of our 7Bridges campaign Kazzy's Lambs will come together once more to tackle the 28km's and add even more to our flock!
Every year in NSW alone, more than 53,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed and the impact on families, carers and communities is significant.
If you're keen to come along the more the merrier! We'd love to have you join our team.
If you can't join us but would like to support consider sponsoring me or our team and help those affected by cancer.
Every step counts because all funds raised will help Cancer Council work towards the vision of a cancer-free future.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you to our Sponsors


F Cancer! Love you Lambs

Triforce Australia
Well done mate, great cause!


Kathy Mccombie

Go Aunty Jess!!

Caroline Steele

Kerri Parkin
Love that you guys do this



Bruce Nalletamby
Go hard Roberts!

Sim & Gus
Belated birthday wishes and good luck reaching your target.

Lisa Simington
Thinking of you and the family. I know how hard it is for me to be missing Kaz, I can only imagine how v hard it is for your family. I am very proud of you all undertaking this walk for cancer. You are amazing!

Beth Kavanagh

Jo Elliott
Good on you!! She’d be so proud of you x

Baqir Raza
Good luck Chris

Sandra Falconer

Teagan Lewis

Selena Achurch
Awesome event Chris! Good luck :)

Melinda Norman
Well done Jess….very proud of you….such a wonderful cause.

Maddie W


Alexandra L
Just keep stepping! Good work Jess! :)

Cathy Lovelock
All the best for the walk Dave ! I did it a few years ago! Pace yourself!


Tg At Mccruise
Well done David and family. Best regards, Tony

Sandra Small

Sandra Small

Brenda Corrigan
Good job Chris

Tarek Darwish

Chris Walker
Good luck Roberts !



Belinda Magritzer

Lauren Leplaw
Proud of you, Jess!! xo
Our Team Members

Gavin Lamb

Paige Lamb

Adam Mitchell

Troy Smith

Nicholas Pagura

Chris Roberts

Belinda Magritzer

Paige Lamb


Darren Choon

David Lamb

Sandra Falconer

Wayne Mitchell

Wendy Mitchell

Robbie OConnor

F Cancer! Love you Lambs