Michelle Holiday

I've conquered for Cancer Council

Why a fundraising target of $667

Some of you may know that a couple of months ago I was diagnosed with a rare form of uterine cancer.4 days after I received the news, I was in the operating theatre for a radical hysterectomy. My PET scan indicates that the surgeons got it all out and I am cancer-free. I feel incredibly lucky. 

What I've learnt since is that uterine cancer (all types) is the 5th most commonly diagnosed cancer. It typically has a good survival rate, but in 2022, 667 women lost their lives. 

There isn't a simple test for biomarkers like there is for prostate cancer. A cervical screening won't pick it up. It is diagnosed by way of a biopsy. But often the symptoms are mistaken for (peri)menopausal symptoms. 

So, I’m taking on the 7 Bridges Walk on Sunday 20 October with my good pal, Leanne. It's a solid 28km around Sydney Harbour. 

Please consider sponsoring me and raising funds for Cancer Council NSW as they work towards the vision of a cancer-free future.


So far this year I’ve helped provide:

7 kids with a SunSmart education


4 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


1 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tammy Ward

Have a fantastic event ladies.


Malika Everingham

What a wonderful thing to do! Go Michelle!


Monica Ulibarri

Happy to help Michelle! I’m sorry you had to go thought cancer