Tony Baker

I've conquered for Cancer Council

Fresh Inspiration!..

Hi Peeps!

When Jeff and I decided that we have no other option but to return and get involved in the Sydney 7 Bridges Walk this year, we quickly realized that our repeat efforts to be motivated for 28kms, as well as to raise more money would need to be accompanied with a source of reignited passion and inspiration. Once again, it didn't take too long for our attention to be drawn to a truely incredible living example of courage, inspiration, and remarkable positivity, despite having suddenly had your world thrown into dissaray and facing excruciatung adversity. 

We would like to introduce you all to an insanely beautiful lady; both on the outside, but also, and even moreso, on the inside. It was back in 2020 when I had the life brightening privilege of meeting, who I proudly know in my life as Twinny Rhi. I met Twinny Rhi as a work colleague, however, it didnt take too much time to establish a reason for us to celebrate a far deeper shared connection. Twinny Rhi and I are both extremely proud and are extremely greatful for having the opportunity to experience the world from day dot, as a Twin. Twinny Rhi is a proud twin with a brother and I am a proud twin with a sister; and hence, the birth of my new spiritual friend, "Twinny Rhi". Not only do we share being twins, it is quite remarkable that we seem to also share very common values, including, genuinely investing in prividing unwavering patient centred support to all of our patients, as well as, naturally finding ourselves connected through comforting each other with more personal day to day life challenges.

I carry so much heartfelt emotional affection and gratitude for having had Twinny Rhi pass onto us, this personal story below. This very personal story carries with it, a resoundingly renewed reason for Jeff and I to be motivated for putting the biggest of efforts into our fundraising, as well as the physical challenge of participating in the 2024 rendition of the Sydney 7 Bridges Walk. 

We really would appreciate so much if anyone could please donate, big or small, to our fundraiser through the link at the top of this post. Again, if anyone would like to donate, but would rather pass on the donation through a different channel, please PM me and we are more than happy to help make this happen. 

With heartfelt love ❤

Twinny Rhi's Words


April 2020, I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer.

Metastatic appendiceal adenocarcinoma.

Started chemotherapy in June that year. 

In Dec 2020, I was told that even with ongoing chemotherapy, I would have about 9 months to live. I was given the option to have radical surgery to cut out all the cancer. I would probably end up with a stoma, and I had a 50/50 chance of surviving the surgery. So, on Feb 11th, 2021, I underwent the grueling 12-hour surgery and did not get a stoma 😁🙌🫶 I was in ICU for 3 days, and tubes out of every hole but my ears.... 

I was deemed cancer free!

I returned to work in August of 2021. After learning how to manage my new body. They removed 75% of my bowels, spleen, gallbladder, total hysterectomy, peritoneal stripping, diaphragmatic stripping, and full groin lymphnode clearance. I now live with short gut syndrome = dehydration and malnutrition, hence the dramatic weight loss.

On December 6th, 2022, I was told the cancer had started to metastasis again and I was given 4 months to live. 

I broke up with my partner and started living my life my way. I returned to chemo, which gave me peripheral neuropathy. I had my 40th and was told I needed to remain on chemo, but I elected to have a chemo break and finally travel to Europe 🇪🇺 

The docs told me that with the break from chemo, there would surely  be growth and progression of disease.

On return from my incredible 5 weeks in Europe I had a scan....

No growth! The docs were amazed and encouraged me to keep doing what I had been..... living my life and finding awe in all I do.

I managed to return to work again in August 2023. January 2024, I was told the cancer has spread to my left lung 🫁 

Work was great, and we had a roster that supported me having fortnightly chemo, again! Now here we are, I worked my last nursing shift on May 23rd and am starting aggressive chemo again soon. I hope to return to nursing at some stage next year... it will be my 20th year of nursing 🥰

Tony & Jeff - 7 Bridges Walk '24

It was only a seemingly short 10 months ago when Jeff and I decided to embark on a campaign to raise money for cancer, and in doing this, somehow feel that it would be easy to back this up by suceeding in walking 28kms in the Sydney Cancer Council 7 Bridges Walk. Once we had officially decided to commit, and with this, were suddenly left with no valid excuse but to quickly enact on upholding and strictly adhering to our personal integrity by not stopping short of completing the 28kms, and at the same time, utilising a beautiful legacy to raise as much money as we possibly could in honour of this legacy. We did not need to search too deep to find the perfect personal reason for highlighting why the cause is so very important to us, but also why the cause is so important for the larger community. It was Den's legacy which managed to inspire us to accomplish the 28kms, but at the same time, use his heartfelt legacy to raise a proud $1.5k+ for this more than worthy cause.

Wow! Here we are! It is really true how time flys since we last completed the walk! We have suddenly arrived at the time where the 2024 version of the Sydney Cancer Council 7 Bridges Walk has arrived and is upon us on the radar. There has absolutely been no denying the sense that Jeff and I feel, where our heartfelt duty to front up again is a force we cannot dismiss. It has to be done! Upon a sudden renewed cause for reflecting, we have decided that we need to find new inspiration in this new endeavor and therefore ignite new worthwhile motivation for further supporting the community. This initial post of our journey will be followed up with a new story for what it means to acknowledge why it is so very important in moving forward with further renewed hope to find a cure for this terrible and non descriminatory disease.

That's all for now, however, we will be sure to get back to you soon with a truely inspirational story which is being held very close to our hearts as we embark on our efforts this time round. This story is about a dear friend who is unfortuneately battling cancer at a very young age. Until then, we would again ask that if anyone could please offer some welcomed support for our new fundraising efforts. As was the case last year, this time round, donations are wholeheartedly welcomed via the link on our page. We are again happy to discuss other preferred options to make donations. Please just PM Tony via messenger and we can chat further. Take care everyone, and we need to go and get moving with gaining some much needed kms in our legs. Love and best wishes always, Tony & Jeff 🥰.

I’m walking for a cancer free future

I’m taking on 7 Bridges Walk on Sunday 20 October 2024 and will be uniting with the community to walk 28km around Sydney Harbour. 

Every year in NSW alone, more than 53,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed and the impact on families, carers and communities is significant. 

Please sponsor me and help those affected by cancer. Every step counts because all funds raised will help Cancer Council NSW work towards the vision of a cancer free future. Thank you for your support!

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

13 kids with a SunSmart education


9 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


2 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ray & Kay Neale


Stephen And Gayleen Lindsay


Valerie Hutchinson

Best of luck guys.


Fiona Samuelsen

What an inspiring story Tony. Good work being such a supportive mate. What a fighter your friend is .


Tony Baker

